Sunday, May 29, 2011


If it was just her wish, she wouldn’t have started the venture which she knew was not just tiresome, but perilous indeed. No matter how hard she tried to convince her ever friendly conscience, she just couldn’t abnegate the ominous feeling. Yes, she could see the forbidding star in the distance and premonitions and misgivings were not new to her. From time immemorial she had been witnessing the callous pranks of time. It wasn’t yesterday that she got acquainted with Time’s villainous countenance. In fact, she had often wondered if it was her hesitant relationship with time that had caused her face to be wrinkled and shadowed at such an early age. Many had convinced her that her daring teens had long before given way to the maturity of adolescence. But she had always very consciously evaded the fact. She knew she was meant to live, live life to the fullest… life was in living…

Was it her well preserved ideals that she had nurtured from her childhood that incited her to make the dart that would one day become her sceptre of support? Or was it because she wanted to escape from her clichés of ignorance? Or was it because an urge to find the redness of her blood was germinating inside her, unknown to her? Maybe she is very professionally facading it.

Now she had this undying wish which can only be satisfied by the quest she is planning to undertake. The time has come for her to emerge from her cocoon and emerge triumphantly too. There should be no more masks or fake roles to play. Time has come for the world to know that under the greyness of this corporate coat and the robotic monotony of this schedule, there is a heart - a heart that is not helpless anymore. The heart of a woman that searches for her soul and yearning for truth.

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