Friday, May 7, 2010


Had i met Hitler before
I would have told him
That the bloody hands
That strangled his brothers
Could have been the flames
That lit up their lives

The twists in reasoning
Were just wild rumours
Made up by a bored monk
Over his coffee table.
History made him
He made history.

I was mute, my ancestors too
The few worthy mouths
That sounded the timbrel
Doesn’t live to repeat their vows
Hitlers do emerge over the centuries
Either in armour
Or in the parlour.
Blood is their weapon
Revenge, their right
Legacies to the darker race

The swords and the rifles,
That trained your footsteps
The wailing sirens,
That sang you lullabies
He gruesome childhood,
That gave you excuses
The bitter wine,
That intoxicated your challenges...
When the judgement strikes
Will wash off their hands
You will be trapped
For earth will speak.

Think twice,
Before you make coffins.
You could have been a loving father
A caring husband, a trusted brother
A sincere lover, a doting friend
An affectionate son
All merged together
And be a human

Tearful joys and aching pride
None of which should you pocket
The pain felt everywhere
Without a tonic to subdue
May it be your pain, your despair.
Kill your mentors
Mutilate your teachers
Emerge triumphant
And be world’s pride

(A plea to the criminals and terrorists to change for the better)

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